Thank you to everyone who attended and sent messages of support.

It is clear that we are all very passionate about our town and it was great to see new and old faces (to me) and to see the commitment and drive you all have to affect change along with objecting to Dan Murphy’s liquor license application.

I was pleased to see our two councillors, Jen Bray (also the Deputy Mayor) and Lesley Hewitt, and the Hepburn Shire CEO, Bradley Thomas not only attended the meeting but were willing to stand up and talk and take questions. And for Bradley, there were a lot of questions!

The main objective of the meeting was to clarify what we can and cannot state in our letters of objection. An objection will be completely overlooked (aka tossed out), on the basis that it is objecting on reasons that are not considered valid. Even if it has 9 valid reasons and only the 10th reason is not valid, then the entire objection is discounted.

So - it is really important that we all submit individual objections but we also really check our emotions and potentially any personal feelings aside, and only object on the grounds that are considered valid by the VGCCC.

I really want to personally thank Basil Eliades for arranging the meeting and doing such a sterling job of keeping us all on track and attempting to keep the meeting to one hour. I’m now sitting at my desk writing this at 8.02pm so he did pretty good.
We will be posting as many tips and resources as we can - and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send us an email or reach out.

Thank you Daylesford!

Sarah Lang
YBR Agency and die-hard Daylesford fan.


Final DAYS. And a beautifully written letter.