Pastures Green, housing never seen.

Daylesford overload of newly build accommodation. 70% is only for short term accommodation. New owners crying poor. (ABC evening business news).

Here is a little add on, that might interest the "Green Pasture" people.        

ABC last night news for Business, showed about Daylesford latest dilemma. So many new empty places. So many people still looking to live here permanently.So many work suppliers not getting the staff they need to make a profit. So many potential staff living too far away. So many locals who want their Town back. So, new developments, which then get turned into short term accommodation again. All the while our Shire ignored the elephant right in front of them. (Elephant?, where have I heard this before?). Providing affordable long term housing. No wonder the Tiny home industry is doing so well. It's a great solution for a cramped for space Shire, grown out of its shoes. Destroying the exact atmosphere the tourist came here for in the first place.It's becoming a vicious circle.

Here’s an example of development for the sake of development.

Some years back I traveled to Holland with 2 of our children. Stopping over in Bali. 

At that stage Bali already developed hotels & restaurants for the tourist industry. As that particular stretch of beach had than beautiful accessible reef display. That was until builders decided to take away the reef (calcium structures) to provide building material for their constructions. Thus taking away the very beauty where tourist where coming for. Guess how long the new influx of tourist lasted to visit this place of natural marine beauty?

Over the years that we have lived here. That'll be almost 40 years. We have seen this pretty littleTown grow from a rather empty place to now a Country town which can't keep up with the overload of tourists. @ the beginning we saw Daylesford expanding in the surrounding areas. Which would have taken the pressure of the township. Keeping its history intact, to be enjoyed by all.

This is what "Green pastures, Not Pavers" is all about. There are so many larger properties outside of the township. that can easily take in extra Units / Tiny Homes / stylish small buildings that can enhance our local history. & at the same time are thus affordable to rent or, especially expand our presently non existing quota of long term accommodation @ an affordable price. Making Daylesford competitive again. After all, the stories that present tourists are staying in their accommodation. Rather than spending their money on (Sorry) overpriced fooderies. It tells me that this community has shot past the target. & because of this, "cleaners" (You know, the ones who are becoming sought after in this overloaded tourist town). Have now more work on their plate in cleaning more ovens. It's a small but clear indicator that the present tourist is tying the purse strings. Here comes this vicious spiral to the fore again. Less spending in the restaurants, which are run by people renting the place @ high cost. (Paying very high rates, if they own it). As everything has become overpriced in our one's pretty little Country Town. Staff that are only needed @ peak hr’s. Getting paid are very low rate. Through which they get forced to find at least 3 jobs to make a “full” income. With the added chagrin to having to pay 50% tax on their second & more jobs. This in turn gets taken out of their @ that moment pay. Going broke while working comes to mind. While also having to drive from Ballarat, as this is the closest place to source staff. As, you guest it, there is not enough long term accommodation available. Already for a long time now. It’s a logical next step in the economy. Where living expenses have grown drastically out of reach for most of the public. Especially the “below the poverty line” pensioner aged (Is it still about 50% of locals in Hepburn Shire?). (I would like to come back to our local oversized rates in another upcoming letter).

This for all sorts of reason's. But mostly due to the ongoing Covid problems.

It is also an indicator that despite what real estates tell their potential customers, build big, build luxurious. Reality tells us that these places are now crying poor. As the interested group of well to do tourists is now getting very small indeed. While the quantity of short term housing is already oversized. 400 AirB&B places with no owner control. Usually Melbourne based investor owners. 400 AirB&B really?

Let’s stop this short term thinking. Especially when you try to plan for the 30 year ahead. Which I feel is impossible to achieve. 

All good free advice, without any high consultation cost involved.

All in all, the battle cry "WE WANT OUR TOWN BACK", might not be a bad one.



Why I live in Daylesford