Directions Hearing

Please see below copy of email received from Victorian Liquor Commission on 20th March.

Good afternoon,

The Commission has scheduled a directions hearing in this matter as part of ensuring the efficient running of this inquiry.   The directions hearing is a procedural step in the inquiry process and the actual hearing of the matter will be at a later stage. The Commission does not hear any evidence in a directions hearing.  It is simply a step to better understand the scope of the issues and the volume of evidence and witnesses that are likely to give evidence at the inquiry hearing.  Also, the Commission may make orders to set out a timetable for procedural steps leading up to the hearing.

Attendance at the directions hearing

Given the significant number of objectors in this matter, the Commission would be assisted by knowing how many people wish to attend the directions hearing.  There will be a transcript of the directions hearing which will be circulated to all parties shortly after the directions hearing and there is no compulsion for individual objectors to attend. It may be that the objectors could arrange for one or more spokespersons to appear at the directions hearing obviating the need for all objectors to attend.  It is important to note that you can still attend (and give evidence should you wish to do so) at the inquiry hearing, which as mentioned above, will be at a later date.  Also, it is possible for you to attend the directions hearing remotely via MS Teams should you wish to do so.

Inquiry Hearing

Could each objector please give an indication of whether you wish to be heard (give evidence) at the inquiry hearing (which will be held later as a date has not yet been set)?  Please note that your written objections will be taken into account by the Commission and there is no need to give oral evidence unless you wish to do so.  Of course, any objector who wishes to be heard at the inquiry hearing will be given an opportunity to give evidence.  Again, a transcript of the inquiry hearing will be available and circulated to all parties.

Additionally, if you do not wish to give evidence at the inquiry hearing, could you please let the Commission know if you wish to attend the inquiry hearing as an observer?  We can accommodate that either in person or via remote attendance via MS Teams.

Could you please let the Commission know by 6 April 2023:

  1. Whether you wish to attend the directions hearing (or whether a spokesperson will appear on your behalf) and whether this will be in person or remotely via MS Teams?; and

  2. Whether you wish to attend the inquiry hearing to give evidence?; and

  3. If you do not wish to give evidence at the inquiry hearing (ie: will rely on the written materials you submitted), whether you wish to attend as an observer and whether this will be in person or remotely via MS Teams?

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat at

Kind regards,

Joanne Riswick


Commission Secretariat & Tribunal Registry, Victorian Liquor Commission 
Liquor Control Victoria
Department of Justice and Community Safety


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